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The Assessment Committee shall consist of three members:
The Chairman of the Council
One member of the Council who is a registered medical practitioner appointed by the Chairman
A registered medical practitioner, who is a not a member of the Council and who has been registered for at least 10 years appointed by the Chairman.
The Assessment Committee shall:
Examine applications for registration and advise the Council on the adequacy of the qualifications of an applicant for registration and, in the relevant case, the additional qualifications that are required for registration.
Be responsible for the implementation and publication of the system of assessment.
Perform such other duties as are assigned to the Assessment Committee by the Council
System of Assessment:
Medical Act 2014
The Assessment Committee is established by the Council.
Consist of three members including the Chairman, a member of Council and a member who is not a member of Council.
Where the Council determines that the qualifications of an applicant from a medical practitioner for registration and licensing are in question or not verifiable, the Council shall convene an Assessment Committee
The assessment Committee shall meet at such times as the Chairman considers necessary.
The Assessment Committee shall perform such other duties as are assigned to the Assessment Committee by the Council
The applicant may be requested to present additional information on qualifications or reasons why the application should be favorably considered.
The applicant may be invited to present an appeal in person to the members of the Assessment Committee
Assessment Committee presents its findings to Council.
Council communicates findings to applicant.

A “complaint” means a complaint made to the Council alleging professional misconduct on the part of a registered medical practitioner or a specialist.
About Us
The Bahamas Medical Council registers and licence physicians to practice medicine in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and ensures that the highest standards of professional conduct in medical practice are maintained thus protecting the public.

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